Wednesday 2 July 2014

Job vs Family: The Eternal Confusion

Now that we can choose whether to have a job and a family, to be a part time or full time mother, you would think our lives would be easier. So why does whatever we choose seem to be wrong?

Take me for instance, when my older daughter started going to school, I started working. It was convenient as my husband was abroad and I was staying with my parents. But lots of people did not think so. How could I leave my child with my mother and go for work? Where was the need for me to work anyway? My husband earned enough! Nobody tried to understand that my needs were not financial but emotional. I needed to feel that I have a choice. I needed to know that I was good at other things too, besides being a wife and a mother.

I did very well in my job, but a few years later when I had my second baby, I quit working. My situation was different now. My husband was back, and being a nuclear family, I had no help at home for the baby. I could not somehow think the job, however important it might have been, was in any way more important than looking after my baby. The very same people, who criticized me last time, criticized me again. This time it was, ‘How could you leave such a good job? After all you could employ a maid for the baby! Lots of women do so…’

Maybe women have always been confused. I think even the cave-women felt that animal trapping was a lot more fun than tidying up the cave and storing the food. At the same time I cannot help feeling that Mrs. Cave-woman at least knew where she was meant to be, even if she did not like it. We do not seem to have that kind of comfort.

Whatever the woman of today does, seems to be wrong. Every newspaper, every television programme and nearly everybody with whom she comes into contact, is eager to tell her that she should be doing something different from what she actually does. That she has a right to work, that she has no right to work; that home and family are boring, that they are fascinating; that her children should be with her, that they should not be with her, that they should be with their granny, with a nanny, in a crèche; that she is contributing a lot, that she is not contributing at all, and so on… which does little for her self-confidence or peace of mind.

Women have always been told not just what to do, but also what to think. And they have been told this mostly by women. I do not know why we cannot leave one another alone, respect each other’s feelings, and I do think it a particularly female characteristic that we cannot. I do not think men go around asking each other why their wives have not had another baby yet!

We are not an over-confident lot. Our propensity to guilt makes us hugely sensitive. And it is made much worse by the simple fact of being at home, where your sense of identity and self-confidence are painfully vulnerable. If somebody in your office tells you that they really think you ought to be programming computers instead of editing textbooks, you may feel upset. But if you have made a fair job out of editing books, been paid for doing it, and even been promoted for it a couple of times, you can shinny off the suggestion or even discuss the absurdity of it with your fellow workers. But sitting in the crisis situation of your kitchen on a bad day, the suggestion that you might be wasting your talent hits hard.

However determined you may be that full-time family care is the right occupation for you, you will still be asked constantly, how you can stand it, and when you are going to stop doing it. ‘What on earth do you manage to do all day? Why don’t you get yourself a job? You must be terribly bored’, are the routine questions.

The point is that everyone knows being a full-time mother is the most important job of all; it is also terribly hard and grindingly repetitive. What women feel very strongly is that if they do not work, they do not have any status. That they do not count in the society at all. People are not prepared to introduce you as ‘Sunita’, who is very busy, looking after two children. You do not have a label. Labels are extremely important to women. A label that says just wife and mother is hardly worth the string to tie it on, not because being a wife and a mother is uninteresting in itself, but because the wearer is made to feel it is uninteresting.

What most women would like, in my opinion, specially when their children are young, is the freedom to choose, to be able to get childcare if necessary and, more importantly, to be able to get a part-time employment if needed or desired, without mortgaging soul and conscience. A full-time job involves too much guilt and worries about the children (more so if they are under five) and about the job as well (fear that you have not done it properly because you have had to rush home).

Many husbands still feel very ambivalent about their wives working. They tolerate it rather than encourage it, however welcome the money, and would rather the work went away and the wives came home. “His idea is that if it makes me happy to work, that is fine, as long as I am not too tired to fuss around him and run the house properly as well,” says Jaya, speaking for many. “If I start moaning about the pressures, he says, ‘why don’t you leave? We can mange without the extra money.’” But then there is another side to it. “Men are having a difficult time at the moment,” said Renu, an ultra loyal wife. “They are being usurped by women at work, they do not like it, and then they get home and get grumbled at for not doing their bit. And they do not even have the choice we do.”

This indicates that each sex has its problems, and there is a lot more to be gained from recognizing the fact and helping each other out, rather than standing in the middle ground and complaining about each other and our own selves. If we are able to this, there will be no cause left for any kind of confusion.

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